Pantanjali is an Indian sage who is believed to have lived in the second or first century BCE. He is credited with writing the Yoga Sutras, or Yoga Threads, which explain the philosophy and ethics of yoga. In his text Pantanjali gives us the Eight Limbs of Yoga which are guides for living. Through practicing the Eight Limbs, it is believed that it is possible for one to attain self-realization and reduce suffering.
Over time the Orchid Asana blog will take an in-depth look at each of the Eight Limbs. In the meantime, take a listen to yogi musician, MC Yogi, sing about the Eight Limbs.
- Yamas: These are the first five of the ten ethics of yoga and focus on restraints and moral disciplines. The five Yamas are:
- Ahimsa: Non-violence, or non-harming
- Satya: Truthfulness
- Asteya: Non-stealing
- Bramacharya: Non-excess, or restraint
- Aparigraha: Non-possessiveness
- Niyamas: These are the second set of five code of ethics focusing on positive duties or observances. The five Niyamas are:
- Saucha: Purity
- Santosha: Contentment
- Tapas: Self-discipline or austerity
- Svadhyaya: Self-study, inner exploration
- Ishvara Pranidhana: Surrender or devotion to the Divine
- Asana: Posture, the physical practice of yoga
- Pranayama: Breathing techniques
- Pratyahara: Withdrawl of the senses
- Dharana: Focused concentration
- Dhyana: Meditative absorption
- Samadhi: Bliss or enlightenment